Feast to Famine: Understanding the Boom-Bust Cycle in the Domestic Electrical Sector

For many self-employed electricians in the UK, the domestic electrical market can feel like an unpredictable rollercoaster. One month your diary is jam-packed, with new customer calls every day, while the next, you're staring at an empty calendar wondering where the next job will come from. This "feast to famine" cycle can be a real headache, but it’s also a common challenge for electricians working in the domestic sector.

So, what's behind this cycle, and more importantly, how can you manage it?

Feast: The Boom Times

The "feast" periods usually come when the demand for electrical work is high. This might be due to factors like seasonal surges (think about the increase in demand for installations before Christmas) or a local building boom. If you’re lucky, you’ll have several referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations keeping you busy. At times like this, it can feel like you're turning away work, with more jobs on your plate than you can handle.

Famine: The Slowdown

The "famine" often hits when you least expect it. Perhaps after a busy period, you forget to maintain your marketing efforts, and suddenly the jobs dry up. Economic shifts, local competition, or changes in homeowner priorities can also trigger a slowdown. Without a consistent flow of work, many self-employed electricians find themselves struggling to fill their schedule, causing cash flow issues and stress.

What Causes the Feast to Famine Cycle?

Seasonality: Many domestic jobs are seasonal, with certain times of the year naturally busier than others.

Inconsistent Marketing: When you're busy, it’s easy to neglect marketing. Once that busy spell ends, if you haven’t continued promoting your services, you might be left high and dry.

Over-reliance on Referrals: While referrals are excellent, relying solely on them can be risky. When your network runs dry, so does your work pipeline.

Poor Cash Flow Management: Feast periods can create a false sense of security. Without proper financial planning, the famine times can hit harder.

How to Manage the Cycle

The key to escaping the feast-to-famine trap is proactive planning and consistent marketing.

Maintain Consistent Marketing: Don’t stop promoting your business when things get busy. Keep your website, social media, and Google Business Profile up-to-date. Continue with small but effective marketing campaigns, even during peak times, to ensure you’re always visible to potential customers.

Build a Referral Network: While referrals shouldn’t be your only source of work, they are a powerful tool. Partner with local businesses like plumbers or builders and agree to refer each other when relevant jobs come up.


Specialise and Dominate: Narrowing down your service offering and becoming known as the local expert in one or two key areas can help you stand out and attract steady work. Whether it’s rewiring older homes or specialising in EV charger installations, owning a niche can be a game-changer.


Plan for Slow Periods: Financially plan for the quieter times by setting aside a portion of your earnings during the feast months. This will help cushion the blow when things slow down.


Use a CRM System: Tracking leads, quotes, and jobs with a CRM can ensure that you never let an opportunity slip through the cracks. Regular follow-ups and reminders can help secure work when your diary is looking empty.



The feast to famine cycle in the UK electrical industry can be tough, but with careful planning and consistent marketing efforts, you can smooth out the bumps and maintain a more steady flow of work. By specialising in a niche, building strong referral networks, and never letting your marketing efforts wane, you can ensure that your calendar stays busy year-round.


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