Feast to Famine: Understanding the Boom-Bust Cycle in the Domestic Electrical Sector

For many self-employed electricians in the UK, the domestic electrical market can feel like an unpredictable rollercoaster. One month your diary is jam-packed, with new customer calls every day, while the next, you're staring at an empty calendar wondering where the next job will come from. This "feast to famine" cycle can be a real headache, but it’s also a common challenge for electricians working in the domestic sector.

So, what's behind this cycle, and more importantly, how can you manage it?

Feast: The Boom Times

The "feast" periods usually come when the demand for electrical work is high. This might be due to factors like seasonal surges (think about the increase in demand for installations before Christmas) or a local building boom. If you’re lucky, you’ll have several referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations keeping you busy. At times like this, it can feel like you're turning away work, with more jobs on your plate than you can handle.

Famine: The...

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5 Reasons Your Electrical Business Isnā€™t Growing (And How to Fix It Fast)

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2024


Running your own electrical business can feel like you’re spinning plates—one wrong move, and everything comes crashing down. You might be the best electrician in your area, but if your business isn’t growing, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate what’s going wrong. Here are five common reasons electrical businesses stall and, more importantly, how to fix them fast.

1. Lack of Consistent Marketing

The Problem: You’re relying solely on word-of-mouth or the occasional newspaper ad. While referrals are fantastic, they won’t always keep your calendar full. Many electricians think that once they’ve set up a website or signed up with Yell, the leads will just roll in, but without regular and targeted marketing, it’s easy to fall off the radar.

The Fix: Invest in a proper marketing strategy. Create a consistent presence online, whether through Google Ads, SEO, or even local Facebook groups. Consider joining the ToolBox...

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Why You Should NEVER Compete on Price

I was talking to an electrician a little while ago, who was new to the business and desperate to find out what others were charging in the industry. I asked him why he wanted to know – and he looked at me incredulously and said – “SO I KNOW WHAT TO CHARGE OF COURSE!”
That is absolutely NOT the way to decide what to charge. Why? Because once you compete on price then there is no way back.


The truth is, there will ALWAYS be someone who will be cheaper than you. And if you start off competing on price, you’ll have no choice but to continue to drop your price. How low? As low as you can to win the business? Possibly. And if you do win the business then you are going to be a busy fool.

So the question you may need to ask yourself is; do you want to be ‘the cheapest’?

I’m guessing not otherwise you’ll always be in business to ‘just’ make ends meet so lets take a look at just how the price you charge not...

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Tips to position yourself as the local expert

I often speak to electricians who ask me how they can be a cut above the rest in their local area. There are some very simple ways you can position yourself a cut above your local competition by making a few small changes to the set up of your business.


One of the common questions I get asked is “everyone is qualified and registered in my area, how can I beat that?” Whilst all electricians have to meet minimum industry standards – there are things you can do even in this area which will seed in your customers mind that you are the better choice.


By following these examples below, you will be seeding in your customers mind that you go the extra mile, not just meeting the minimum standards that other electricians do in your area.


  • I turn up in a marked van

Over the years I have spoken to many electricians who drive around in unmarked vans. Sign writing your van is one of the easiest methods of advertising your business. If you don't sign...

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