The S.P.A.R.K.S. Kickstart Online
Enjoy this live online presentation from the comfort of your own home/office.
James has been in the electrical industry for over 25 years, much of that time self-employed.
Having lost everything in 1997, James had to rebuild a business on a shoestring, with no money for advertising and marketing. In this presentation, James will explain how he rebuilt the business using some very simple, local marketing strategies, many of which are low or no cost.
If you find it difficult to get a steady stream of work and experience that “Feast to famine” existence that many tradesmen/women suffer from, then you should attend this webinar.
Reserve your place for Saturday, 22nd July - 10:30am GMT.
In this web class, you are going to discover:
How specialising can attract more of the work you want.
How to position yourself as the go-to Electrician in your local area.
What advertising works really well for local work, and what to avoid at all cost.
Why building lasting relationships with your customers is a must.
The importance of communication at every stage of your customer’s journey…
Limited Attendees. This Training Will Not Be Recorded…

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